
Weigh Station Might Manage Traffic

We just want to refute CHP Lt. Claude LeMond’s statement that after a survey on Highway 118, it was found that the truck traffic is generated by local agricultural businesses. Not so.

Trucks go through the Somis Road/Highway 118 intersection three and four at a time, all day long. It is like reading a map of the United States to peruse the license plates: New Jersey, New York, Alabama, Florida, Minnesota, Texas, Washington--east to west, north to south. The local agricultural businesses do not use or need big 18-wheelers.

Our family has been using the intersection for the 37 years we have lived on La Cumbre Road just north of Highway 118. Thirty years ago our children always walked or rode their bikes to the local grammar school in Somis. Now a parent would be remiss to allow a child to use the intersection.


The two-lane country road was never meant to be a thoroughfare for through traffic. If a weigh station in Moorpark will alleviate the situation, so be it. The temporary weigh station operated by the CHP only a few hours a week is not a deterrent and it is a waste of taxpayers’ money.


