
Hollywood : Chamber Elects Officers

Christopher Baumgart, president of Shoreline Professional Video Systems, has been elected chairman of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, replacing attorney John Adams.

Baumgart was elected unanimously at the chamber’s March 20 meeting. Also elected unanimously were six other officers who had been proposed by the chamber’s nominating committee, according to chamber spokeswoman Laura Ed elman.

Michael Dubin, a vice president at Kornwasser & Friedman, was elected senior vice chairman. John Ferris of Ellis Mercantile, consultant John Golden and KTTV-Fox Television executive Don Tillman were elected vice chairmen. Donald Putrimus, a vice president at Warner Hollywood Studios, was elected treasurer. Henry Hilty, president of the A. F. Gilmore Co., which owns the Farmers Market, will serve as secretary.


Ferris, Putrimus and Hilty will be serving their first terms as officers, Edelman said. She said Tillman is a former chairman of the chamber, and Golden and Dubin also have served as officers.

The newly elected group takes office April 1 and will serve one-year terms.
