
Bureaucracy Thwarts Cab Firm’s Bid to Aid Troops

City bureaucracy has thwarted the good intentions of a taxicab company that wanted to honor returning Persian Gulf troops and their families.

The 120 drivers for the Bell Cab Co-Op sought to show their gratitude to veterans by offering free rides to all military personnel and their families for trips within Los Angeles, said Bell Cab President Bahman Azmoudeh.

But the city Department of Transportation, which regulates taxi service, put the kibosh on the plan, saying complimentary rides would violate the city codes that fix cab fares at certain rates.


Kenneth Cude, a taxi franchise regulator for the city, recognized the cabbies’ desire to do a good deed, but said such a request could not be honored. However, Cude said the rate ordinance and the city code could be revised if the City Council and the mayor agree to an exemption.
