
Ex-Gov. Martinez Sworn In as New National Drug Czar

<i> Associated Press</i>

Former Florida Gov. Bob Martinez was sworn in Thursday as director of national drug control policy, saying the nation still has a major problem with narcotics.

At a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden, Martinez said the anti-drug campaign must be a national strategy that includes all levels of government.

“We have made tremendous gains over the last several years, but there still is a rather large population that we still have to deal with,” Martinez said. “And we mustn’t forget that there’s a constant renewal of our population, that the young people must forever be educated.”


He was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

President Bush said Martinez has “a resolute personal commitment and unmatched experience” in fighting drugs.

“As you assume command of our national drug fight at this critical time, we’ve made important new progress, good solid progress,” Bush said. “Cocaine use has fallen. Hospitals report fewer drug-related emergencies. Fewer high school students abuse drugs. And the evidence shows clearly that we’ve turned in the right direction. But we will have a long way to go. And the drug menace remains intolerably large.”

Martinez was defeated for reelection last year by former Democratic Sen. Lawton Chiles.
