
Mozart Camerata Agrees to Talk About Union Dispute : Grievance: The orchestra responded to a letter from union officials, thereby averting the threat of being blacklisted.

The Mozart Camerata has averted an immediate threat of blacklisting by the Orange County Musicians Assn., Local No. 7., though the outcome of a dispute between the chamber orchestra and the union is still in question.

At issue is a grievance filed by three musicians who say they were barred last month from a Camerata rehearsal. The musicians assert that they had oral agreements to play with the group for the full season. Local president Frank Amoss and Camerata counsel Harvey Berman had decided to settle the matter in small claims court, but the union executive board overruled their agreement.

In a letter from Amoss informing Berman of the board’s action, Amoss said the union would consider placing the Camerata on a list of groups with whom union members should not perform, unless the orchestra responded to the letter.


The orchestra did respond, agreeing to further discussion, so “the immediate threat of blacklisting (is no longer) an issue,” Berman and Amoss agreed Thursday.

“It’s highly improbable” that blacklisting will be evoked now, Berman added, “because the Camerata and union are working toward an amiable settlement and expect to resolve the issue.”

Amoss said blacklisting “would only become an issue if events moved to an impasse,” which he also does not anticipate, he said.


Berman and Amoss said they think arbitration may well be the next step. Amoss said the union is waiting for legal advice, expected April 8, as how best to proceed.
