
Celebrations on Land and Sea Will Mark Holiday

In addition to Santa Ana’s Mariachi Festival 1991 (see accompanying story), Cinco de Mayo celebrations will be staged around the county, ranging from street festivals in Anaheim and San Juan Capistrano to a cruise in Newport Harbor. Major college festivals are slated at UC Irvine and Irvine Valley College. Weekend celebrations include:

“Mariachi Festival 1991” in Santa Ana, today through Sunday in downtown Santa Ana. Fourth Street will be closed to vehicles from Broadway to French Street, with performance stages at Sycamore Street and at French. More than 75 booths offering food, drink (but no alcohol) and information from various charity and community groups will line the streets from noon to 8 p.m. Mariachis will play Saturday and Sunday from 3:45 to 7 p.m. On Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m., Msgr. Jaime Soto will lead a Mariachi Mass at St. Joseph Church, with an appearance by Mariachi Uclatlan. Information (714) 542-7287 or (714) 558-6869.

Anaheim celebrates Cinco de Mayo through Sunday at La Palma Park, Harbor Boulevard and La Palma Avenue, with music, folk dancers, carnival rides, Mexican food and a soccer tournament. Hours: today, 5 p.m. to midnight; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission: free. Information: (714) 254-5191.


San Juan Capistrano celebrates on Saturday with mariachis, folk dancers, Aztec dancers, food, games and exhibit booths at the tennis courts below the San Juan Capistrano Regional Library, 31495 El Camino Real. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free. Information: (714) 493-1752.

Newport Harbor Art Museum will feature activities on Sunday including Carolina Russek and Company, Mexican and Spanish dancers at 1 p.m., a hands-on workshop making Pinturas con Estamble (yarn painting) at 2 p.m., and a Spanish tour of the museum’s photography exhibition at 3 p.m. at the museum located at 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admission: free with “Fun Day Sunday” coupons available from Mervyn’s. Information: (714) 759-1122 (English) or (714) 759-1831 (Spanish). In addition, the museum will host a “floating fiesta” Cinco de Mayo Harbor Cruise Sunday evening in Newport Harbor. The $25 charge covers food and music aboard the Catalina Flyer and proceeds go to the museum. Guests will include Michael Botwinick, the museum’s new director. Cruise is from 7 to 9 p.m. Information and reservations: (714) 759-1122.

UC Irvine’s campus celebration, sponsored by the university and the campus chapter of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, includes a performance today at noon by Banning High School’s Ballet Folklorico. The troupe will be followed by a lecture by poet, author and critic Cherrie Moraga at 2 p.m. and a dance featuring La Banda starting at 9 p.m. on the Student Center Terrace. Saturday will be “Dia de la Familia” with a midday picnic in Aldrich Park, catered by El Asadero, with pinatas and games. Information: (714) 856 7215.


Irvine Valley College will observe Cinco de Mayo with a multimedia presentation Sunday in the college’s courtyard and Gallery Hall. An exhibition by Emigdio Vasquez, “Treinta Anos de Trabajo,” covering 30 years of the artist’s work, will be on display through May 17. A new issue of The Elephant-ear, the college’s journal of art and writing, featuring Vasquez’s work on the cover, will be distributed. Gallery events begin at 6 p.m. with music starting at 8 p.m., performed by the jazz group Strunz and Farah. The event is free. Information: (714) 559-3299, 559-3208.
