
Supreme Court on Nude Dancing

Forget about the legal arguments against the Supreme Court decision to ban nude dancing (front page, June 22). I have a moral one.

To hear Justice Antonin Scalia talk about “60,000 fully consenting adults crowded into the Hoosier Dome to display their genitals to one another,” you’d think he was talking about the display of things that are vile and disgusting. They happen to be our reproductive organs, and according to Christian doctrine, they were designed by our creator.

It seems Scalia and four of his fellow justices don’t like the way genitals were designed. They say it’s immoral to display them, even in a private establishment. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, in his argument for the same ruling, says it is right for Indiana to require dancers “to wear at least pasties and a G-string.”


The Bible tells us God was saddened when he saw Adam and Eve wearing fig leaves to hide their nakedness. I know there is something in the Constitution about separation of church and state. I hope then that people, and not just God, are saddened by the fact that a majority of justices think that parts of the human body are repulsive and must be covered.

