
Countywide : Government Bodies Schedule Recesses

The Simi Valley City Council, one of three government bodies in the county that take a traditional summer recess, is not scheduled to meet again until July 29, officials said.

The council, when in session, regularly meets Mondays.

The Thousand Oaks City Council plans to take off the entire month of August, and the County Board of Supervisors will recess for three weeks, beginning Aug. 13, officials said. Both the council and the board meet Tuesdays.

Officials of all three government bodies said the primary reason for the summer breaks is to help public officials and staff members coordinate their vacations so that their schedules do not conflict later in the year.


Thousand Oaks City Councilman Alex Fiore said just because his council will not be meeting in August doesn’t necessarily mean officials will be loafing.

“I’ve got a number of conferences and committee meetings that are city-related that I’m going to be attending,” he said. “So it’s not exactly a vacation.”
