
Some Hotels in Singapore Sweeten Room Rates

Singapore Discounts: Many Singapore hotels, including luxury lodgings, are offering reductions ranging from 10% to 30% to spike the tourism industry, which has experienced a downturn in the wake of the Persian Gulf War. The discounts are being offered primarily to walk-in and long-staying guests, groups and corporations, according to the Singapore newspaper The Straights Times.

Among the hotels that are discounting, according to the paper: the Shangri-La, Hyatt Regency, Sheraton Towers, Westin Stamford, Oriental, Pan Pacific, Hotel Phoenix and Orchard Parade (formerly the Ming Court). Some discounts are offered after bargaining.

A dearth of Japanese travelers, usually a major segment of tourist traffic, is one of the prime reasons for the downturn. Figures released by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board indicated that in March, 50% fewer Japanese arrived than during the same month last year. A strong Singapore dollar, high hotel room rates and competition from rivals such as Hong Kong have intensified the void.


Travel Quiz: What three animals are honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Healthier Airports: Airport food is getting healthier, industry experts say. National concern over nutrition, as well as lack of time and less interest in drinking alcohol and smoking, are influencing what is served, and how, in airports.

“There is definitely an upswing in the offerings of health-oriented light fare,” said Ira Weinstein, president of Airport Interviewing Research in New York.

Cocktail lounge sales at airports are showing a greater percentage of food sales compared to liquor sales than ever before, said Thomas Cangemi, president of Dobbs Houses, second largest airport concessionaire in the industry.


“About 30% to 40% of our sales in cocktail lounges now are food sales, which is a tremendous increase over years ago where people might have only had peanuts or pretzels,” he said.

Quick Fact: Most important reason for taking a 1991 summer vacation trip, according to a survey of Americans: “Being together as a family.” (Source: U.S. Travel Data Center.)

Troubled Waters: Waters around European Community countries are becoming cleaner for swimmers, but many resorts are still contaminated by bacteria, according to the European Commission, executive body of the European Community.


Tests carried out by EC governments in 1989 and 1990 at about 18,000 coastal and inland resorts showed that action to clean up sewage and other discharges was working, the commission said. But the survey showed wide differences between the 12 member states, and data was not available for some resorts.

Comparatively Speaking: Amount of the business traveler’s dollar that goes to air fare: 46%. To lodging: 22%. Meals: 11%. Car rental: 8%. (Source: Runzheimer International.)

Cruise Loss/Traveler Gain: Even though the cruise industry reported a 14% gain in passengers during the first quarter of 1991, compared with last year, the increase in traffic didn’t necessarily spell increased profits. It does, however, mean that bargains are there for consumers.

Carnival Cruise Lines, for example, reported a drop in net income and revenues during its second quarter and attributed the declines primarily to substantial discounts offered during and following the Gulf War in an attempt to lure reluctant travelers from home.

Siberia Bound: Planning a vacation in Khabarovsk or, perhaps, Magadan? Believe it or not, Alaska Airlines package tours are almost sold out on the new nonstop service from Anchorage to Magadan, with continuing service to Khabarovsk. Alaska is the first U.S. passenger carrier to offer regularly scheduled flights from the United States to the Soviet Union. Not only is Siberia said to be beautiful in summer, but much of it is undeveloped and resembles the Russia of old.

Fair Warning: Latin music, magic shows for the children, mariachis, Mexican food and groups performing traditional dances from around the world will be part of the San Luis Rey Fiesta at the San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside, Friday through next Sunday. In addition to music from many nations, the Saturday highlight will be a re-enactment of the way travelers on horseback in the past requested shelter at the mission. Two hundred riders are expected to participate in the spectacle.


This year’s festival marks the 193rd anniversary of the San Luis Rey Mission, and profits from the fiesta go to maintaining and restoring it. For more information, call (619) 757-3651.

Quiz Answer: Rin Tin Tin, Lassie and a German shepherd named Strongheart, who is famous for the 1925 movie “White Fang.”
