
PERSPECTIVE ON THE BILL OF RIGHTS : Common Heritage for a Diverse People

<i> Marshall Croddy is director of program and materials development for the Constitutional Rights Foundation in Los Angeles and an associate of the Bill of Rights Bicentennial Celebration project</i>

For two centuries, the Bill of Rights has been a beacon drawing to our shores millions seeking its light. Millions more have been inspired by it to achieve the same standards in their own lands.

Today, more newcomers to America arrive in Southern California than any place else, many with little knowledge of or experience in our political and legal traditions. If it is true that this region--its promise and its problems--represents America’s future, then there is no more important place for education about the Bill of Rights.

1991 marks the bicentennial of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. It is a perfect time for all of us to rededicate ourselves to its message of toleration and fairness. It is an opportune time to welcome newcomers and invite them to embrace its meanings. It is a crucial time to educate our young people in the rights and responsibilities of enlightened citizenship.


Through the remainder of this year, the Constitutional Rights Foundation, a community-based organization with a 29-year history, is sponsoring an areawide awareness and educational celebration of the Bill of Rights. Corporations, foundations, government and community leaders and schools are joining with us for a meaningful tribute to our most cherished document. The celebration will feature programs for schools, libraries, immigrant-serving agencies and community organizations. We invite everyone to become involved. In sharing this common heritage, we can better live and work together to solve the problems that we share in our community, our state, our country.
