
Feeding Your Passion for the Unusual

* Asian Pear: Cultivated in California, Washington, New Zealand and Japan; available July through February. Has refreshing flavor and crisp texture when raw; can also be poached, baked or sauteed. Remains more firm than other pears when cooked.

* Burro Banana: Grown in Central and South America; available all year. Eat out of hand; add to salads and fruit cups.

* Ice Cream Banana: Cultivated in Southern California in La Conchita and Carpinteria; available all year, but supply is limited January through March. Eat out of hand or cook like plantains.


* Red Banana: Comes from Ecuador and Mexico; available all year. Eat out of hand or use in baking.

* Cactus Pear: Grown in the Mexican state of Zacatecas and in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco; California crop comes from Watsonville; available July through March. Comes in several colors--green is considered best for eating, orange is sweetest. Use raw in fruit salads or cook for marmalades, sweet sauces or jelly. Must be boiled five minutes to destroy enzymes if used in gelatin salads.

* Feijoa: Also called pineapple guava. Comes from New Zealand April through June; harvested in California September through January. Peel, slice and eat raw, or stew, use in jams and jellies or puree for sauce. Dip raw fruit in water combined with lemon juice or vinegar to prevent discoloration. Skin tends to be bitter.


* Horned Melon: Grown in California and New Zealand; available all year. Store at room temperature. Do not refrigerate. Best used in prepared dishes rather than eaten out of hand. Scoop out pulp and mix with other fruits; spoon pulp over ice cream; use shell as container for ice cream, sauces, dips.

* Kiwi: Grown in New Zealand and California; available all year. Slice and eat raw; add to fruit cups; use as garnish; cook with poultry or fish; use in desserts.

* Lychee: Shipped to California from Mexico and Florida; available only in June and July. Best eaten raw. Pulp can be removed from seed and used in ice cream, sorbet and other desserts.


* Mango: Comes to California from Haiti and Mexico; available all year, but supply is lighter in September and October. Eat raw; puree in blender with milk and sugar for mango shake. Cook with chicken or shrimp, or use for tarts, cake filling or other desserts.

* Papaya: Shipped to California from Hawaii (most supermarket papayas) or Mexico (large green or yellow papayas with orange flesh). Available all year. Eat sliced with squeeze of lime; add to fruit salads; use sliced as plate garnish; use seeds in salad dressing. Cut in half, scoop out seeds and fill with chicken or seafood salad. Puree in blender with milk and sugar for papaya shake; use puree for ice cream or pudding.

* Passion Fruit: Comes from California or New Zealand; available all year. Fruit is ripe when skin is wrinkled and almost black. Cut in half, squeeze over chicken and bake; scoop out pulp and stir into vanilla yogurt or ice cream; use for sorbet or dessert sauces.

* Pepino: From California and New Zealand; available all year, but peak availability is in January and July. Eat raw, plain or sprinkled with brown sugar. Fill scooped-out halves with seafood salad. Slice or puree for dessert. Seeds are edible.

* Tamarillo: Grows in California and New Zealand; available April through January. Peel before using. Slice, sprinkle with sugar and add to fruit salads or grilled meats; good for chutney, sweet-and-sour sauce, jam and dessert sauces. Gold tamarillo is milder in taste than red variety.

* White Sapote: Grows in California and New Zealand; California crop runs September through January. Use when fully ripe (fruit will give to gentle pressure). Eat raw, or add to salads, use in desserts.
