
Teacher’s Creation Battle: Controversy Evolving

Centered within the ongoing controversy flourishing around John Peloza may be a common platform where, setting aside our differences, many of us can stand and get a good open view of what is really going on here. This platform may be found within the contemporary buzz phrase: “being politically correct.”

“Being politically correct” wears many faces. It isn’t confined to the teaching profession. Any man, woman or child can be targeted as someone who “needs” to be shaped up into being politically correct.

This designated person can do one of three things:

1. He can acquiesce.

2. He can just walk off.

3. He can stand firm for integrity, truth and what is right.

John Peloza has chosen the third option.

John is a quiet, reserved man who would just like to put in a good day’s work. John has been receiving tremendous pressure from the Capistrano Unified School District officials and administrators to become politically correct. Integrity demands that John stand firm.


John Peloza knows that he teaches science and teaches science only. The Capistrano Unified School District officials and administrators know that John teaches science and teaches science only, because John’s classes have been monitored more than any other teacher’s classes.

In order for John to become politically correct he would need to teach macro evolution as fact. Teaching macro evolution as fact would not be teaching science.

MARY EILEEN DOYLE, San Juan Capistrano
