
Teacher’s Creation Battle: Controversy Evolving

Regarding the Aug. 28 meeting where teacher John Peloza defended his science class teachings, it appears that there’s some confusion concerning the use of textbooks (“Biology Teacher Vows to Keep Up Creation Battle,” Aug. 29).

Peloza is criticized by “teacher Lynn Harvey” for teaching “creationism” because it wasn’t “mentioned” in the textbook.

As a retired teacher, who was also the social science chairman for a large school district here in Southern California, I frequently came across similar textbook interpretation problems.


Unfortunately, many people are under the impression that the textbook is the course. They really don’t understand the purpose of a textbook. No one could possibly write a viable book that could cover every imaginable situation in a classroom. A good textbook is merely one more teaching tool for the instructor to utilize to help develop critical thinking and help present the subject matter.

A textbook, like a library, is a research tool. It must be expanded (upon) and reinforced as the teacher sees situations develop. This is why teachers are compelled to satisfy college and credential and in-service training requirements--so they’ll have the ability to do this.

John Peloza has certainly demonstrated that he has this ability.

