

I am offended by the tone assumed by Michael Goodman in his article on Asian gambling (“The Hottest Game in Town,” July 28). Mr. Goodman “quoted” many gamblers speaking poor English. Most Asians, born here or abroad, have had more education than the average American; most of them do use verbs when they speak. Why did Mr. Goodman insist on leaving out the verbs? Not only did it have no journalistic value, it also reinforced a stereotype.

The article would be taken much more seriously had Mr. Goodman used good English and had he not been an arrogant white jerk thinking he could understand Asians with only a couple of trips to a local casino.


Los Angeles Mike Goodman replies: I spent a good two months in casinos researching this article. Practically all the players I interviewed or observed were immigrants who spoke little or no formal English; that’s what I reported. My intention was to inform, not to offend.
