
Obituaries - Nov. 2, 1991

Askins, Christine Ann, 40, of Granada Hills, homemaker. Utter-McKinley Mortuary, Mission Hills.

Ayers, Otis Gene, 68, of Sepulveda, retired truck driver. Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Mortuary, Westlake Village.

Camacho, Francisco J., 42, of Canyon Country, electrician. Eternal Valley Mortuary, Newhall.


Cotinelli, Angeline M., 86, of Glendale, retired clerk for AT & T. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Dokka, Karl, 84, of Studio City, retired carpenter. The Neptune Society, Burbank.

Dunbar, James C., 94, of Glendale, retired director of community college vocational education for state of California. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Flores, Pedro B., 59, of Sylmar, painter for General Motors Corp. Eternal Valley Mortuary, Newhall.


Gutierrez, Lucila-Marina Navarro, 60, of Lancaster, homemaker. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Lancaster.

Mayer, Melba M., 89, of La Crescenta, homemaker. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Shaffner, Ethel B., 73, of Newhall, retired stock room clerk for Thatcher Glass Manufacturing. The Neptune Society, Burbank.

Shiomi, Roy Y., 88, of Arleta, retired mechanical engineer for Los Angeles County. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.


Strickland, Vashti V., 63, of Van Nuys, registered nurse. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.

Treadway, Rita B., 62, of Lancaster, homemaker. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Palmdale.

Vecchio, John D., 75, of Northridge, retired electronic engineer for Litton Industries. J.T. Oswald Mortuary, Reseda.

Information on Valley-area deaths is provided by cooperating mortuaries.
