
SIMI VALLEY : Homeless Shelters Open for the Winter

Simi Valley’s overnight shelter for the homeless opened for the winter Friday night.

The shelter, which rotates among seven local churches, will remain open through March 31, said spokesman Paul Werfelmann, pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.

By Friday evening, 18 people, including one family, had signed up to spend the night on cots at Evangelical Covenant Church, Werfelmann said.

Evangelical Covenant will be the shelter site every Friday, he said. Each church will provide the overnight shelter one night each week.


The shelters, open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., provide cots borrowed from the city’s disaster service, Werfelmann said. Some churches also have showers for the guests to use.

People who want to spend the night in a shelter should sign up at the dinner held each night at one of the participating churches. The free dinners, served from 5 to 7 p.m., also rotate among churches but are at a different site from the shelter.

The seven participating churches are members of a group called Public Action to Deliver Shelter, or PADS. The group has been providing winter shelter for the homeless in Simi Valley for four years, Werfelmann said.


For information on the location of dinner sites and shelters, call the Salvation Army at 527-1070.
