
2 Killed in Apparent IRA Plot to Bomb Concert in Britain


Two suspected IRA bombers apparently were killed in a bungled blast aimed at a British military band.

The bomb exploded Friday night, ripping through an unused bank building in the town of St. Albans in Hertfordshire, about 20 miles north of London.

The blast rocked the nearby St. Albans civic center, where about 350 people were attending a charity concert by the Blues and Royals Regiment band, a group targeted by the IRA in the past.


Police discovered two bodies, believed to be a man and a woman, who took the brunt of the blast.

The head of Scotland Yard’s anti-terrorist branch, George Churchill-Coleman, said all indications pointed to the outlawed Irish Republican Army.

Three Blues and Royals soldiers were killed in 1982 by an IRA bomb during a ceremony in a London park.
