
Baywatch Boat Towing Adds to Budget Woes

Regarding “County Charging for Beach Costs” (Times, Nov. 15), Los Angeles County officials have begun relieving their budget woes by demanding bigger contributions from coastal cities for lifeguard service.

If the county is that short of money, why do the county lifeguard Baywatch boats tow for free?

If you break down or run out of gas on the freeway, the county will not tow you for free to the nearest service station. Run out of gas or break down on your boat, and Baywatch will tow you for free to the gas dock even though you are safely at anchor and in no immediate danger and there is a commercial tow boat available within a reasonable time that can deliver fuel or provide a tow. Baywatch is supposed to charge for this service, but they rarely do. They use taxpayer’s money to compete with commercial operators who pay license fees and taxes just like the rest of us.


Baywatch also does salvage work, something the U.S. Coast Guard will not touch for liability reasons. They take work away from commercial salvors who are licensed, trained and insured for that type of work.


Rancho Palos Verdes
