
Miami Blues (TMC Monday at 1:05 a.m.)...

Miami Blues (TMC Monday at 1:05 a.m.) The Miami of this 1990 release is an overheated griddle of shifty, sun-drenched outlaws and hangdog lawmen. Adapted from the late Charles Willeford’s smart 1984 novel by director George Armitage, the film is an amoral, highly entertaining, deliciously pulpy joy ride starring Alec Baldwin as a live-wire crazy who manages to be appealing even when you’re recoiling from his brutality.

The Last Emperor (Showtime Monday at 11:30 a.m.) Bernardo Bertolucci’s lush, epic-scale 1987 multi-Oscar winner focuses hypnotically on one of history’s forgotten men, Pu-yi, who ruled China as a child, became a puppet ruler in Manchuria and survived rehabilitation in Red China. With John Lone, Joan Chen and Peter O’Toole.

Babette’s Feast (Bravo Thursday at 6 p.m., again at 11 p.m.) This 1987 Oscar winner is an exquisite and subtle fable, beautifully adapted by Danish director Gabriel Axel from an Isak Dinesen tale concerning a singular and selfless expression of love and gratitude. Stephan Audran has the role of a lifetime as a Frenchwoman seeking refuge with two sweetly devout spinster sisters in Jutland.
