
Ban on New Liquor Stores Near Existing Ones OKd

In a bid to fight crime and loitering in Altadena, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has approved a zoning law that prohibits construction of liquor stores in the unincorporated community within 500 feet of existing liquor stores.

The law followed the supervisors’ creation in 1987 of a special Altadena Community Standards District. The district required issuance of special permits for the construction of new liquor stores in the community.

The new action--endorsed by the community-elected Altadena Town Council--stiffens that regulation by adding the 500-foot limit.


Increased regulation of liquor sales has become even more important recently because the state has laid off many of its alcoholic beverage control officers, said Robert Hoie, a supervising regional planner with the county.
