
Magic’s Latest Message: The Safest Sex Is No Sex

Magic Johnson, in shaping his message to young people, preached sexual abstinence in a brief television interview Sunday night before the Lakers’ game against the Milwaukee Bucks at the Forum.

“The best and safest sex is no sex,” Johnson told Milwaukee station WCGV-TV after shooting baskets on the Forum floor. “If you practice that, everything will be all right.”

Johnson repeated that message Monday, also announcing the formation of a charitable foundation to support AIDS education and awareness programs, fund research and assist in caring for those suffering from the disease. Johnson said he has asked talk-show host Arsenio Hall, Laker owner Jerry Buss, Chicago Bull star Michael Jordan and actor Denzel Washington to serve on the Magic Johnson Foundation’s board of directors.


Since his Nov. 7 announcement that he had tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS, Johnson had preached safe sex by using condoms. That approach brought a chorus of criticism from church leaders and politicians, including Vice President Dan Quayle.

Johnson’s agent, Lon Rosen, said Johnson was not bothered by the criticism.

“He’s very thick-skinned,” Rosen said, adding that he was not surprised that tabloid newspapers published accounts of Johnson’s sexual activities last week.
