
New Boat to Enter Cup Series

Ending weeks of confusion, the America’s Cup Organizing Committee announced Monday that Red Star ‘92, not the Age of Russia, will compete in the challenger series.

Estonia-based Red Star ’92 was formed by Oleg Larionov, boat designer for the original Red Star Syndicate, after Larionov had a falling out with the Red Star Syndicate coach.

This turn of events came soon after Estonia broke away from the Soviet Union late in the summer. About that time, members of the original syndicate renamed their group the Age of Russia, and the two splinter groups, both of which claimed to represent the Ocean Racing Club of Leningrad (ORCL)--have been fighting ever since.


As early as October, Stan Reid, chairman of the Challenger of Record Committee that oversees the foreign entries, said he would not accept both entries because only one syndicate initially entered a boat under sponsorship of the Leningrad club, which sent its challenge to the San Diego Yacht Club in 1989.

In reaching the decision as to which syndicate was legitimate, ACOC General Manager Tom Ehman said he had received verification from the Russian government that the ORCL still exists and its president is still Larionov.

“In reaching our conclusion, we believe we have carefully followed the Deed of Gift, and been scrupulously fair to all concerned,” Ehman said. “We have given all involved every reasonable chance to state their cases.”


Age of Russia representatives had asked the ACOC to postpone its decision until Friday, but Ehman said time is running out. Challenger trials begin in less than two months.

“Time is now short,” Ehman said. “It would appear to most of us that if Russia is to have any chance of mounting a successful challenge, you must combine your programs and resources into one effort under the ORCL.”

But Doug Smith, a local representative for Age of Russia who resigned Nov. 7, said earlier this month that there’s no way the two sides can reconcile.


“There’s too much hatred to come to a compromise to get a boat here,” Smith said.

Age of Russia had its recently completed International America’s Cup Class boat measured at the Energia space factory 40 miles outside Moscow and had planned delivery on the boat between Nov. 23 and today.

Estonian newsman Kalev Vapper, spokesman for Red Star ‘92, said its boat is under construction in Tallinn, Estonia, and there is plenty of carbon-fiber materials to finish it in time for the boat to arrive in San Diego by Dec. 21, the delivery date promised.
