
Hollywood’s Graylist: Writers and Ageism : OTHER VIEWS : We’re All Getting Older

T imes staff writer Nina J. Easton’s article on ageism and writers in film and television (“Hey, Babes! How Old Is Too Old for Hollywood?,” Nov. 17) has produced an usually large response from readers. A sampling of their views appears here and on the facing page: I am a graduate student in gerontology at USC and a working professional, and I am deeply disturbed to read of the blatant ageism taking place in the film industry. As a gerontologist, let me share a few facts for readers:

* Intelligence does not decline with age.

* Older people are better able to integrate life experiences in ideas than younger people.

* Some slight losses in creativity are balanced by increases in wisdom in older people. (This is based on research still being tested.)

I believe (as a young person) in giving young people jobs and experience, but if we do this at the cost of putting everyone over 40 out of work, our country will be in even worse economic shape than it is now.



