
Hollywood’s Graylist: Writers and Ageism : THE INDUSTRY : Why Age Is the Issue

Times staff writer Nina J. Easton’s article on ageism and writers in film and television (“Hey, Babes! How Old Is Too Old for Hollywood?,” Nov. 17) has produced an usually large response from readers. A sampling of their views appears here and on the facing page: There is indeed a problem when talented, vital people are refused work simply because of their age. Unfortunately, Easton is right when she cites many in the industry as perpetrators of ageism.

However, she also refers to an observed “general pattern of discrimination . . . particularly in TV.” I would like to point out that almost 50% of the movies that TNT has produced or developed have used writers, producers or directors over 50--including distinguished writers Robert Bolt, Ernie Kinoy and Edward Anhalt.

Many in the older generation have a lot to offer. I’d hate to think that so many people with the power to hire are missing out on the skill and knowledge that so often come with a long life.



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