
Why Is the FBI Needed in Police Bias Probe?

Regarding “FBI Starts Inquiry of Police After Officer Alleges Racism” (Times, Nov. 3). I am happy to see that allegations of racial discrimination are being investigated.

The thing which troubles me is the fact that anyone for any reason can claim they are being discriminated against. Some of these claims may have merit, but in the police and fire departments they have procedures that enable a complainant to bring this to the attention of his superiors.

In the event the complaints are ignored, there are government agencies whose business is to investigate the charges. Should this fail, the complainant still has the opportunity to file a suit.


I fail to see why the FBI would become involved in the Alhambra situation because of a June article in The Times, especially since the police officer had already filed a civil lawsuit against the city.

Since there is no indication that the officer or the city asked for an FBI investigation, why are they there? Are they so lacking in things to do that they must read the newspapers hoping to find something that they can investigate?

Until called on, I wish they would spend more time helping us get rid of the many major criminals we have on our streets today.



