
A Sense of Relief at La Vina Defeat

I have recently moved here and have a vested interest in the proposed development of the old La Vina Sanitorium into a housing tract. The latest battle in this controversy went against the proposed development (Times, Nov. 21.) I must admit a sense of relief swept over me.

One reason Altadena is an attractive community is a unique mix and diversity of cultures. The serenity and easy access to the historic San Gabriel Mountains, with its numerous trails, bikeways, equestrian trails and old Mt. Lowe railway rights of way make it a recreational treasure. The wooded areas and canyons are priceless in this age of growth.

While some development of the La Vina area may be done attractively and profitably, we must not let unchecked growth dominate our agenda. We, as a community, would greatly benefit from a recreational facility as part of the already excellent Loma Alta Park system. Another good use would be a type of magnet school, or even a public “choice” school model that would very likely get presidential endorsement, and more importantly, federal funding.


Homes are only one idea for this precious land, and probably not the most imaginative idea. KEVIN ANDERSON

