
Parsons Readers Back 2 Drivers

Bravo to Dennis McIntyre for pursuing his principles in the aftermath of a traffic encounter with an off-duty Newport Beach cop (“Sorely Tried but Vindicated After Refusing to Cop a Plea,” Dana Parsons, Nov. 17).

It’s satisfying to see a little bit of justice done. Even though my own personality prevents me from taking action when being cut in front of (other than shouting at the villain with the windows rolled up), I must admit to experiencing more than a little vicarious pleasure over McIntyre’s reaction and outcome.

It’s outrageous that the Police Department and the district attorney’s office both automatically presume the cop to be innocent of any wrongdoing and McIntyre to be guilty of all charges brought by the cop, even though they were clearly intended to be retaliatory, as is typical in such cases. It’s evident they don’t believe in trials either.


Notwithstanding his acquittal, and circumstances compelling to any reasonable reader, they still consider McIntyre guilty as charged. If Officer (Mark) Hamilton were a “real” cop, a leader as well as a compassionate and well-integrated human being, he would have apologized to McIntyre for his own motoring indiscretion instead of persisting, as he and then later with his cop cronies did, in their preposterous arrogance.

My own observation is that police patrol cars must not have turn signals installed since I have virtually never seen them used. And that irritates me because it’s illegal, hypocritical, and unsafe!

