
Water Outlook Bleak, Board Members Feel

A recent poll of 68 water board members around San Diego County, conducted by the California Landscape Contractors Assn., revealed a pessimistic view of the future of water supplies to the San Diego region. The water policy makers saw little hope for more water from traditional supply sources and the potential for only minimal supply from alternative sources by the year 2010. Here are some of their opinions:

* Seventy-one percent believe that it is not likely or is highly unlikely that State Water Project supplies to San Diego will increase.

* Eighty-nine percent believe that it is not likely or is highly unlikely that there will be surplus Colorado River water available to San Diego.


* Seventy-five percent believe it is not likely or highly unlikely that there will be another source of water coming to San Diego from the north or the east.

* Fifty-one percent believe that more than 10% of San Diego’s water supply will be supplied by reclaimed water.

* Fifty percent believe 5% of local water will be desalinated sea water.
