
‘Bluebook’ Top Source for Factual Information

<i> Special to The Times</i>

“1992 Realty Bluebook” by Robert DeHeer (Professional Publishing Corp., San Rafael, Calif., phone 1-800-288-2006, 1991, 506 pages, $18.50)

Each year for the last 26 years Robert DeHeer has issued his updated edition of essential real estate information. The book began as a compilation of contract clauses DeHeer used as a real estate broker. It evolved into five sections explaining listing and sales techniques, real estate financing details, home sales checklists, realty contract clauses and tax information.

New information in the 1992 edition includes the new Starker delayed exchange regulations, dual agency disclosures, updated indexes of adjustable rate mortgages, FHA and VA loan details and tax deductible expenses that may be claimed.


This unusual book, a desk reference, is not intended to be read from cover to cover, but to be used as a source book when the need for specific, factual information arises.

There is no other authoritative, easy-reference source of the essential details contained in the Bluebook. On a scale of one to 10, this book rates a solid 10.
