
Burned Up Over Brunei Sultan Deal

I read the Real Estate Section every Sunday and find it extremely informative in my real estate dealings. However, the “Hot Property” column Nov. 17 (“Sultan to Rule B.H. ‘Island’ ”) about the Sultan of Brunei making himself at home in my town really fried me. Will Beverly Hills become the Principality of Beverly Hills--Brunei Division, or Principality of Brunei--Beverly Hills Colony?

I am not some old fogy with scar tissue on the brain from a couple of world wars under my belt, like Muriel Slatkin, who sells to foreigners our country, piece by piece.

So the sultan “ . . . now owns a complete island in the middle of Beverly Hills. . . .” Terrific! I wonder if anything will be left for us, our children and grandchildren or if these foreigners will eventually buy up our entire country?


JAY D. ROTTSTEIN, Beverly Hills
