
Jewish Committee

I read with great interest your article “Anti-Foreigner Party Surges in Vienna Vote” (Nov. 11), discussing the results of a recent Gallup Poll of Austrian perceptions of Jews. While I am pleased that you reported on the results of this poll, I must point out that it was commissioned by the American Jewish Committee, not as you reported by the American Jewish Assn.

The American Jewish Committee has, for many years, commissioned comprehensive studies of this kind in countries throughout Eastern and Central Europe, including a recent poll of anti-Semitism, the first ever, in the Soviet Union.

This is but one facet of the important work the committee has done for over 85 years to protect the rights and freedoms of Jews the world over, to combat bigotry and anti-Semitism wherever they may appear and to promote human rights for all.


RABBI GARY GREENEBAUM, Western Regional Director, American Jewish Committee, Los Angeles
