
Obituaries - Dec. 3, 1991

Aghanian, Shogik, 80, of North Hills, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Bhagat, Khem R., 84, of Tarzana, retired attorney. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Billano, Mario Victor, 70, of North Hills, retired military officer for Philippine government. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Burkard, Frieda, 77, of Northridge, homemaker. Pierce Brothers-Praiswater Mortuary, Canoga Park.

Caldarell, Helen, 68, of Burbank, homemaker. The Alpha Cremation Society, Burbank.

Carrera, Manuel M., 19, of Van Nuys, salesman for Pier 1 Imports Inc. Praiswater Funeral Home, Van Nuys.


Cooke, Milwood W., 78, of Burbank, owner of Fleetwood Machine Products Inc. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Corona, Jose Camarillo, 69, of Pacoima, retired brick tender for R. R. Masonry. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Dannaldson, Beth Marie, 70, of Tarzana, retired self-employed film industry animal supplier. The Alpha Cremation Society, Burbank.


Dick, Samuel P., 69, of North Hollywood, meat cutter. Mt. Sinai Mortuary, Los Angeles.

Dowdle, Bobbie J., 57, of Agoura, homemaker. Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Mortuary, Westlake Village.

Farley, Ann M., 52, of Pacoima, homemaker. J. T. Oswald Mortuary, San Fernando.

Ferrini, Emily, 79, of Sun City, Calif., formerly of Burbank, retired laborer for ITT General Controls. Eckerman-Heisman Funeral Service, Burbank.

Forman, Hyman, 81, of North Hollywood, retired retail salesman. Groman-Eden Mortuary, Mission Hills.


Fry, Liberta M., 72, of La Crescenta, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Garesche, Mary M., 87, of Granada Hills, homemaker. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Gibert, Luz C., 82, of Burbank, homemaker. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Glickman, Saul, 66, of Calabasas, insurance broker. Mt. Sinai Mortuary, Los Angeles.

Gorrindo, Blas L., Jr., 67, of Quartz Hill, retired rancher. Mumaw Funeral Home, Lancaster.

Hamrick, Alpheus Raymond, Jr., 69, of Chatsworth, agent for Prudential Insurance Co. of America. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Harrison, Laverna E., 77, of Simi Valley, formerly of Northridge, homemaker. Lorenzen Mortuary, Reseda.

Heidler, Gwendolyn Norton, 85, of Woodland Hills, retired interior decorator. Crawford Mortuary, Northridge.

Koch, Nellie Bell, 97, of North Hollywood, retired home furnishings decorator for Barker Bros. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.


Kyriacopoulos, Zenobia, 93, of Northridge, homemaker. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Lewin, Earl E., 77, of Palmdale, retired police sergeant for city of Milwaukee. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Palmdale.

Malconian, John M., 64, of Woodland Hills, business representative for International Assn. of Machinists. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Marquez, Maria J., 82, of Panorama City, homemaker. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.

Martindale, Nathan, 79, of Van Nuys, retired aerospace worker for Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.

Matarazzo, Elinor Marie, 72, of Van Nuys, retired crossing guard for city of Los Angeles. Utter-McKinley Mortuary, Mission Hills.


Oseth, Alberta I., 63, of Chatsworth, mechanical assembler for Teledyne. Crawford Mortuary, Northridge.

Paugh, Lawrence Anthony, 35, of Glendale, assistant vice president for Bank Leumi. The Alpha Cremation Society, Burbank.

Ramirez, Agnes, 56, of Sunland, homemaker. Ferrara & Callahan Funeral Directors, Sunland.

Rubanoff, Sarah, 93, of Reseda, homemaker. Mt. Sinai Mortuary, Los Angeles.

Shaffner, David L., 77, of La Crescenta, retired machinist for P. L. Porter Co. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Siskind, Harry, 84, of Reseda, retired book distributor. Glasband-Willen Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Swartz, Faye Cooper, 79, of Burbank, homemaker. Eckerman-Heisman Funeral Service, Burbank.

Trumpower, Harry J., Sr., 64, of Burbank, bartender for the Blue Room. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Vielhaber, Charles Edward, 71, of Chatsworth, retired maintenance worker for Rocketdyne. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.


Wallace, Valerie, 78, of Sunland, retired cook. Ferrara & Callahan Funeral Directors, Sunland.

Watson, Dale Bernice, 72, of Glendale, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Wyatt, Alpha J., 93, of Glendale, retired medical secretary. Scovern Mortuary, Glendale.

Information on Valley-area deaths is provided by cooperating mortuaries.
