
Japan Expo ’91 Moves to Anaheim Convention Center

Japan Expo ‘91, the largest annual U.S. exposition on Japanese culture and commerce, starts a four-day run today at the Anaheim Convention Center. It is the first time that the 12-year-old trade show will be held outside Los Angeles.

Nagao Masuda, chairman of Gardena-based Japan Expo Inc., said he selected Anaheim because renovations at the Los Angeles Convention Center limit the space available. The show needed more exhibit space.

Last year, the show attracted 280 companies and 88,000 visitors. It is organized by the Japan/America Friendship Foundation and Japan Expo Inc., both of Gardena.


About 300 companies are expected to have displays at the Anaheim show.

“I want to increase mutual understanding and goodwill between Americans and Japanese by introducing them to each other’s culture and business,” Masuda said Wednesday.
