
* Karl Marsh of Glendale has been...

* Karl Marsh of Glendale has been named vice president for client services of Commuter Transportation Services Inc. The nonprofit company based in Los Angeles provides businesses in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties with employee transportation information and commuter ride-sharing services.

* Businessman Don Platz was named president of the Glendale Community Foundation at the nonprofit organization’s 36th annual meeting recently.

The foundation funds grants to charities in the Glendale area.

Assemblyman Pat Nolan (R-Glendale) has received the Good Scout Award from the Verdugo Hills Council of the Boy Scouts.


Nolan was honored for his support for Scouting and leadership in the community. He was a Cub Scout and later an Explorer Scout, affiliated with the Burbank Police Explorer Post.
