
Huntington Park : Council Splits 3-2 in Voting Against Proposed $61 Raise

Huntington Park City Council members have voted 3-to-2 to reject a proposal to raise their monthly stipends from $600 to $661.

Mayor Raul R. Perez and Councilmen Ric Loya and Luis M. Hernandez voted against the pay raise, saying they felt uncomfortable taking additional money while the country is in a recession.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 15, 1991 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday December 15, 1991 Home Edition Long Beach Part J Page 3 Column 3 Zones Desk 3 inches; 74 words Type of Material: Correction
Council raises--In a Dec. 5 story about a proposed increase in monthly stipends for Huntington Park councilmen, The Times reported incorrectly that Councilmen Thomas E. Jackson and William P. Cunningham voted in favor of an increase, while Councilmen Raul R. Perez, Ric Loya and Luis Hernandez voted against. The councilmen actually voted on a procedural matter. The council will probably consider the raise again in January or February, when it discusses whether to give all city employees raises, Jackson said last week.

Council members Thomas E. Jackson and William P. Cunningham voted for the pay raise, saying they felt they deserved it.
