
$4 Million in U.S. Funds OKd for Transit Line Study

A recently approved federal transportation bill contains $4 million to study the feasibility of building a monorail or other transit system to carry visitors between downtown Long Beach and a proposed Disney theme park on the city’s waterfront.

The system would connect the end of the Blue Line light rail with DisneySea, a $3-billion resort and amusement complex the Walt Disney Co. is considering building in the port area.

The $4 million is half of the estimated cost for a preliminary engineering and design study for the project, according to the office of U.S. Rep. Glenn M. Anderson (D-San Pedro), who made the funding request. The rest of the money would have to supplied by state and local sources. The federal funding has stirred some criticism from Long Beach community activists, who contend that the study and the three-mile transit line would primarily benefit a private enterprise.
