
COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS : Outgoing Trustee Is Honored

William Broyles, outgoing member of the Santa Clarita Community College Board of Trustees, was honored recently for his contributions to College of the Canyons at a board meeting and a dinner sponsored by the district.

Board President Michele Jenkins presented Broyles with a plaque and thanked him for his years of service to the college district as a trustee, a college employee and a volunteer.

Broyles, 52, lost his bid for reelection to the district board in November, after serving since 1979.


Bruce Fontaine, 53, a member of the college’s original governing board, won the seat and will take office Wednesday.

District officials said highlights of Broyles’ career included support for reduced bookstore prices for students, increased class offerings, improved security and lighting on campus, expanded child-care and counseling services and the addition of a health center and sports programs for women students.

Broyles, an employee of the Glendale Unified School District, also lobbied at the state level for passage of legislation that assists community college students in transferring to four-year colleges and universities, district officials said.


Broyles said his “greatest support and efforts have gone toward long-range planning and increased funding for community colleges.”
