Scout for Tolerance
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Regarding the expulsion of the 9-year-old Cub Scouts on religious principles and the ouster of Irwin Spector from his Cub Scout den and David Wise, ousted atheist Scout leader in Tustin.
Baden Powell, founder of Scouting, was acutely aware of the tyranny of religious zealots. Baden Powell stated that “The Religion of a Man is Not The Creed He Professes--But His Life, What He Acts Upon and Know of Life, And His Duty in it. A Bad Man Who Believes in a Creed is No More Religious Than a Good Man Who Does Not.”
There have been over 500 million Scouts pass through the ranks worldwide since its inception. They consist of many religions, races, colors and sexes. They have always gotten along wonderfully at the world Jamborees.
Since, in a free society, they are neither an arm of a church nor government, an attempt to shackle the minds of developing Scouts in subjective dogma seems very un-American to this Scout since 1928.
Perhaps the Scouting leadership should be called to account. The attempt to exclude girls, blacks and the handicapped would seem totally obnoxious to most people today. Perhaps tomorrow, the mind will be given equal tolerance.
I hope so, and I will--
Be Prepared.