
SAN CLEMENTE : City Council Elects Anderson Mayor

The City Council this week unanimously elected Councilman Joseph Anderson as mayor and Councilman Truman Benedict as mayor pro tem.

Anderson, 49, was elected to the council in November, 1990. Since he was the highest vote-getter in that election, he was immediately named to the post of mayor pro tem, which traditionally leads to the mayoral post.

“It’s a lot of work, frankly,” said Anderson, who succeeds Scott Diehl. “I will be representing the city at a great many functions. I see it as an opportunity for me to provide the skills I have to the city and as a valuable growth experience.”


Before being elected to the council last year, Anderson had served as president of the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce and as president of the San Clemente Boys and Girls Club. He also served on the board of directors of the Boys and Girls Club for 12 years.

“I see the job of being mayor as an extension of my longstanding community involvement,” said Anderson, an agency manager for Allstate Insurance in Tustin.

Although the post of mayor is largely ceremonial, Anderson said he intends to provide a strong voice on the council.


“I want to do what I can to ensure that the council and city administration remain active and focused on a meaningful program of work,” he said.

Anderson has established regular “mayor’s hours” on Monday mornings from 7 to 9 a.m. on the weeks when the council meets to give residents an opportunity to meet with him.
