
Praise for Prager

I cannot believe you did not print one positive response. Surely there must have been many--Prager’s radio show is No. 1 in its time slot for a reason. Instead, you print the cloudy moral logic of individuals with axes to grind.

As to the atheist who has a problem with being accountable to a “higher authority,” I have a simple question (one that Prager often posits to his listeners): If you were walking to your car down a dark alley in a scary part of town and were approached by 12 young men, wouldn’t you feel relieved to know that they had just left a Bible study?

As a serious Christian, I have serious theological differences with Prager. As to his moral logic on the horizontal plane (i.e., man on man, as it were), I love hearing this religious Jew tell it like it is.



Beverly Hills
