
Cross Controversy

Thank you, federal Judge Gordon Thompson, for your absolutely correct decision to issue a permanent injunction against the placement of crosses on public property atop Mt. Helix and Mt. Soledad and on the official insignia of the city of La Mesa.

For years, I have been outraged at the sight of these symbols of one specific religion on public property.

No, I am not an ACLU type trying to rouse the rabble by going against years of public practice. I am the most right-wing person I know.


No, I am not an atheist either. Quite the contrary, I am an actively devout and religious person, and have been for years.

What is anathema to me about these crosses is simple: My religion is not Christianity. As such, the sight of these crosses on public property has always been highly offensive to me. The operative word here is “public.”

Contrary to the belief of many people, the United States is not a Christian nation. It is a nation, predominantly populated by Christians, but specifically by law, we are not a Christian nation. We are no more a Christian nation than we are a Caucasian nation or a heterosexual nation or a right-handed nation, merely because each of these categories constitutes the majority.


Our Constitution was geared to protect minorities from the unjust actions of a majority.

