
VENTURA : Knife-Wielding Man Shot by Officer Dies

A 21-year-old Ventura man who was shot in the stomach after threatening a police officer with a knife died Monday at Ventura County Medical Center, authorities said.

Aaron Klemm died of a gunshot wound in the abdomen shortly after 6 a.m. in the intensive care unit, said Craig Stevens, senior deputy coroner.

Ventura Police Officers Colin Patrick and Fred McGill found Klemm holding an 11-inch knife early Sunday at the entrance of the Imperial Ventura Family Estates in the 5000 block of Thille Street, police said.


Patrick shot the man after he had approached the officers and twice refused to drop the knife at the officers’ request, police said. Klemm’s girlfriend told police that he had been drinking heavily before police arrived.

Patrick, who has been a police officer for about eight months and has not been involved in any previous shootings, has been placed on administrative leave until an investigation is complete, Lt. Don Arth said.
