
Lynn Schenk Considering Race for New Congressional Seat

San Diego Unified Port Commissioner Lynn Schenk Tuesday announced the formation of a committee to explore a possible race for Congress next year in the new 49th District.

“Having lived in this district for 25 years, I feel very comfortable testing the waters to determine whether I should seek to represent my fellow residents in Congress,” said Schenk, a Democrat.

Schenk, a lawyer, was California Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing under Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., and a White House Fellow in the Ford and Carter administrations, serving as a special assistant to Vice Presidents Rockefeller and Mondale.


The coastal district, in which Republicans hold a 46%-40% edge among registered voters, covers much of the area now represented by Rep. Bill Lowery (R-San Diego). Lowery, however, is considering running next year in the newly created 51st District, a conservative region.
