
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Meeting on Wetland Project Is Planned

The first in a series of monthly public meetings on the planned development and restoration of the Bolsa Chica wetlands will be held tonight at City Hall.

The 6 p.m. meeting in Room B-7 will be run by the city’s Community Development Department.

Officials will discuss the environmental impact of the development, wetlands restoration planned for the area and the lengthy public review process. They will also compare the Bolsa Chica Planning Coalition’s proposal to that of the project developer, the Koll Co.

The public meetings mark the beginning of the project’s lengthy approval process. The housing and wetlands expansion plan must be approved by the city Planning Commission, City Council, state Coastal Commission and Local Agency Formation Commission.


The wetlands restoration project would be carried out by the Army Corps of Engineers.

For information on tonight’s meeting, call project manager Laura Phillips at (714) 536-5270.
