
Coaches to Review New Alignments : Releaguing: City football teams grouped according to 1991 records. Basketball might follow suit.


League alignments within the City Section’s football conferences tentatively have been reshuffled by division for the 1992 season, and the format might soon be expanded to include boys’ and girls’ basketball, Commissioner Hal Harkness said Tuesday.

Tentative league alignments for football, based on the teams’ seven-game record in conference play in 1991, have been made by the City and will be sent to coaches in mid-February. Coaches will have the option of suggesting alterations in the proposed divisional split within their conference.

“They’ll have two or three weeks to convene a conference meeting and tell us what they’d like to do,” Harkness said.


According to preliminary alignments based on 1991 records in the Northwest Valley Conference, the North Valley League (4-A Division) consists of Kennedy, San Fernando, Granada Hills and Chatsworth. The West Valley (3-A) contains Reseda, Taft, Cleveland and El Camino Real.

In the Valley Pac-8 Conference, the East Valley League (4-A) consists of Sylmar, Poly, Birmingham and Van Nuys. The Mid-Valley (3-A) contains Canoga Park, Grant, Monroe and North Hollywood.

Harkness said he expects the City to begin studying in the spring a plan that also would juggle boys’ and girls’ basketball teams in 1992-93 into 3-A and 4-A leagues based on the previous season’s conference record.


The discussion of annual divisional movement in basketball came about as a result of “inequities” that have allowed the Fremont boys’ and Marshall girls’ teams to dominate the 3-A Division over the past few seasons, Harkness said.

The Fremont boys’ team, for instance, has reached the 3-A final the past two seasons and this season was ranked No. 2 in the state by one preseason publication.

“There’s been a strong groundswell of support,” Harkness said of the plan to examine the City’s basketball alignment.


Girls’ volleyball also might undergo a 3-A and 4-A conference split if the basketball proposal is adopted. Baseball and softball will remain unaffected, Harkness said.

Harkness said that the 3-A and 4-A format within conferences again will be examined after the 1992-93 school year.

He would prefer that the City’s 49 high schools play for one divisional title but said that the L.A. City Coaches Assn. repeatedly has stated a preference for a two-division format.
