
More to Issue Than Stated

I traveled to Sacramento last month for the hearing of the State Board of Mines and Geology regarding the classification of S.P. Milling’s Boulder Creek property to Mineral Resource Zone 2. At that meeting, the board agreed to take more testimony at its Dec. 10 meeting.

S.P. Milling is downplaying the impact of the application for classification at Boulder Creek by saying that the classification is just to let the county know that the aggregate is there. The fact is, classification of Boulder Creek is more than just a planning tool for the county.

“Classification” is the criteria for “designatiion.” This means that once Boulder Creek is classified and designated, the state requires the county to “recognize and include in its general plan the designated areas . . . to develop and adopt policies to protect those aeas from premature development incompatible with mining” and “emphasize the conservation and development of mineral deposits.”



Valley Advisory Committee

