
Long Beach Crime Up 2%

Crime in the city increased by 2% during the third quarter of the year, compared to the same time last year, according to recently released statistics by the Long Beach Police Department.

Though murders decreased by 11.4%, from 35 to 31, aggravated assaults jumped by 19.4%, from 1,185 to 1,415.

There also was a 14.9% decrease in the number of robberies, from 1,182 to 1,005, during the period that ended Sept. 30, according to police.


In the crimes against property category, the biggest reduction was in the number of bicycle thefts reported--from 704 to 453, or a 35.6% decrease. Auto burglaries accounted for the largest increase in the same category, from 1,722 to 2,098, or a 21.8% jump.

Long Beach Crime, 3rd Quarter

The number of crimes reported in Long Beach in the third quarter that ended Sept. 30 rose 2% from crimes reported in the same period a year ago.

3rd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. Percent 1990 1991 of Change CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS Murder 35 31 - 11.4 Manslaughter 0 0 0.0 Forcible Rape 79 80 + 1.2 Robbery 1,182 1,005 - 14.9 Aggravated Assault 1,185 1,415 + 19.4 Total 2,481 2,531 + 2.0 CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY Residential Burglary 1,661 1,738 + 4.6 Commercial Burglary 476 443 - 6.9 Auto Burglary 1,722 2,098 + 21.8 Grand Theft 633 657 + 3.7 Petty Theft 1,139 1,192 + 4.6 Bike Theft 704 453 - 35.6 Auto Theft 1,779 1,721 - 3.2 Arson 34 33 - 2.9 Total 8,148 8,335 + 2.2 Other Crimes 3,737 3,801 + 1.7 Citywide Totals 14,366 14,667 + 2.0


Source: Long Beach Police Department
