
Hawthorne OKs Police Contract

A two-year contract stalemate between Hawthorne police officers and the city ended this week when the Hawthorne City Council approved a contract that gives officers a 12% pay increase over the next three years.

“I’m thankful the council and the Police Officers Assn. have come to terms because the agreement will allow us to focus on police work instead of the collective bargaining process,” Police Chief Steve Port said.

Contract negotiations that began in 1989 hit several snags, including a sick-out staged by 33 police officers last May. Police officers wanted a 4% raise, but the city, which was in the midst of a budget crunch, claimed it did not have the money.


Under the contract approved Monday, officers will receive a 3% raise this year. In January, the officers will receive an additional 4% salary raise. Next June, the officers will get another 5% raise.

Hawthorne Police Officer Assn. Vice President Greg Chidley said officers should be paid more because of their heavy workload.

“The Hawthorne Police Department is the busiest one in the South Bay. Our salaries should better reflect that,” Chidley said.
