
Hollywood : Store Renovation Loan OKd

The Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency’s Board of Commissioners has approved a $249,990 low-interest loan to restore and rehabilitate the landmark J.J. Newberry store in Hollywood.

The CRA will give the McCrory Corp., which owns the structure, a 10-year, low-interest loan to overhaul the building. The store, at 6600-6604 Hollywood Blvd., opened in 1933 but has been closed for almost a year since it was damaged by a fire. The loan was approved Dec. 6.

The National Register of Historic Places has designated the two-story structure as a “contributing building” to the Hollywood Boulevard Commercial and Entertainment District, according to CRA officials. Work on the restoration is to begin next month, and the building is expected to reopen in April, 1992, CRA officials said.
