
Indian Gambling

I wish to commend Paul Lieberman for his well-balanced, five-part series “The Indians’ Gamble” (Oct. 6-10). The serious nature of the allegations contained in this series cannot be ignored.

Although Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in 1988 (Gaming Act), the regulations for the Gaming Act have yet to be fully implemented. This delay has created an unintentional void in the oversight of Indian gaming operations that certain unscrupulous parties are all too eager to fill.

Unfortunately, the void also tarnishes those tribes that have been running legal and above-board gaming operations and are using such revenues for the general welfare of tribal members.


As a result, early next year the Select Committee on Indian Affairs will convene an oversight hearing on Indian gaming activities.

That hearing will probably review, among other things, the allegations raised in The Times series, the implementation of the Gaming Act and the status of tribal-state compact negotiations.

SEN. JOHN McCAIN, Vice Chairman

Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs

